Where it all began.

About Me

August 2, 2023

Hey friends!!

I am so glad that you found me here, on my own little piece of the internet. So much has changed since we last talked (blogged) and I can’t wait to catch you up. Welcome to my new and soon to be improved blog at Taylor Coleman Photography! I am so excited that you are here.

As this new year began (anyone else still in shock that it is 2024?), I began to reimagine what I wanted for this business and I started to remember how to dream for the first time in years. This past year brought me so much change, honestly the last few years in general have and as I began to reflect, imagine, and dream — I kept thinking about these past 10 years, almost in disbelief.

My dream of being a wedding photographer started over a decade ago, yet it seems like it was just yesterday when I was posing my friends in random fields and flipping camera settings trying to figure out which button did what. Whenever I look at old photos, I can’t help but smile and laugh. Y’all, I was so bad, but so determined. And for that, I am grateful.

I can’t even begin to say how thankful I am for the people that supported me, the ones that spread my name into the community, the ones that gave me advice, and honestly I am still in disbelief that so many even paid me as I learned. I remember just dreaming of being where I am now, thinking it would never be attainable. Big dreams, lots of goals, and countless photos later — here I am (with even more dreams than before).

I remember where I was when I got the call for my first wedding, sitting on the bleachers of my high school football field. It was a Friday night and we were about to play at home. I was a senior and I had been taking pictures officially for less than a year. My phone rang and as I answered the bride explained that their photographer had backed out of her wedding last minute. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but they agreed to let me photograph their wedding. And the rest is history. That next week I photographed my first wedding (and brought my mom along with me, because thats what everyone does when they don’t really know what they’re doing ha). I only charged them $150, which felt like so much at the time, and I spent my day capturing their best day yet. I was so excited.

That is the moment I was hooked. 

I don’t have the pictures from that first wedding still, and I am sure if I did they would make me cringe. However, in that moment all I could think of was how much of an honor it was for me to be there for such a special moment. And well, that was just the beginning.

Since then I’ve had the opportunity to capture weddings for close friends, strangers from the internet, friends of friends, and for family. I’ve traveled the country taking pictures and photographing weddings (and have had people travel the distance to me). I’ve been recommended by past brides and incredible vendors and have been featured in incredible magazines. I have had the privilege of working with some of the best in the business and have had the opportunity to be a mentor to new photographers just now getting their feet wet. I’ve made some of the sweetest friendships and created some of the best memories. It’s been a wild ride!

Recently, I racked my brain (and searched old archives) to count back as far as I could remember to see exactly how many weddings I have had the honor to be a part of, and well 67+ weddings later – I’m still hooked. I still get giddy as emails come in and as my phone begins to ring. I get excited as I meet new couples and edit new sessions. And when past clients return, it makes me smile bigger than you could imagine. Seeing my pictures hanging on peoples walls, posted on social media, and printed in magazines makes me stop in disbelief — amazed that this gets to be my job!

You see, there was once a time that I didn’t think this dream would ever come to be. Moments it felt impossible and way to difficult to achieve. Times I simply felt discouraged and like an imposter.

In 9th grade, I took a photography class at school and I was told by my teacher that I was the worst one in the class. I almost failed that class because I didn’t take the images just as she thought I should. I can still hear the words she would speak over me and over my work — and feel the discouragement that that 14 year old girl felt as her dream felt further and further away.

If only she knew then, what I know now. I think the words spoken over me pushed me even more. To prove her wrong. To fight harder and stronger. To make a point.

I have a lot to thank that 14 year old girl.

Taylor Coleman Photography was a dream that seemed impossible, yet here we are. I have big aspirations, dreams that seem like mountains — and I can’t wait to begin to climb each and every one. Because if there is anything that that 14 year old girl learned it is this — mountains aren’t quite as scary as they might seem.

I started this business under the name Tay’s Take Photography when I was 17. A decade and lots of lessons later, here we are. I am so excited for what is to come this year, and I can’t wait to bring you along for the journey.

So buckle up, and lets dream together! This is only just the beginning.

xoxo, Taylor

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